Church Women United is a racially, culturally, theologically inclusive Christian women's movement celebrating unity in diversity and working for a world of peace and justice.
National Church Women United is an
ecumenical movement of Christian women active in over 1200 local and state
Quadrennial Priorities
Justice and Righteousness
"The Lord God has told us what is right and
what he demands: 'See that justice is done, let mercy be your first
concern, and humbly obey your God.' ” Micah 6:8 CEV
Acting justly is
rooted in what is right as it relates to our relationship with God and
lived out in our relationship with each other and in our stewardship
over creation. God has shown us what is good and what is required to do
justly, to love mercy, to walk humbly (under God’s leadership). 4In
these days and times, the world has seen an increasingly public display
and demonstration of the many ways humans have found to harm one
another. Played out on a global scale from the highest of government
positions to the everyday-ness of what it means to be a neighbor, the
injustices of racism, sexism, homophobia, ageism, unbridled capitalism,
and inequitable power have entrenched hatred and evil from our
foundational institutions to our interpersonal interactions. Church
Women United (CWU) has a special role to enact a distinct form of hope
into what could otherwise be seen as intractable despair.
CWU, as an organization and as a community of church
women, is poised to use its collective, regional, and local influence
and numbers to mobilize human, economic, legislative, and educational
capital for the focused purpose of cultivating mutual good for all human
beings – in other words – to bring about true justice as a foundation
for producing and protecting true peace.
The Action and Global
Concerns committee has found itself with a unique opportunity to create
anew an action plan to tackle some of what we’re calling, “momentum
points.” Momentum points are areas of content and strategy that lead to
building the momentum needed to dislodge the power of the status quo and
construct new ways of being for mutual human flourishing. Taking
seriously that no one organization can tackle all that needs to be
“fixed” in the world, we have constructed a template by which we can
methodically and intentionally address “momentum points” to garner the
greatest shifts toward justice; which can then be contextualized by
individual units who will work individually and in partnerships in their
areas. The following provides a template to be used as a guide toward
such work. May the blessings of God be with us and correct us as we do
the work of God in the world and become more and more who we’ve been
divinely created to be. Amen.
September 8th Forum
Left to right: speaker Linda Van Tol from ARC
Agency; Linda Snell presenting children's books for CWM-Madison Book
Project that gives books to the women & children in half way houses in
Madison; Ann Sowaske; Jayne Sprecher, representing the books from former
Bashford UMC.
Church Women United World
Community Day 2023
Keynote Speaker: Community
Leadership Awardee, Dr. Dawn B. Crim,
Vice Chancellor for Inclusivity
and Community Engagement, UW Green Bay
Trending Tuesdays
News from Church Women United National
Click here for weekly E-Newsletter.
CWU Madison 2023-2024
Annual Report
Click Here.
Audrey Hinger Memorial ARC
Children's Christmas Book Donation 2024
Women's Rehabilitation Madison Children's
Christmas Gifts of 60 Books for 51 Children Ages 3 Months to 19 Years
Pictured here are Ann Sowaske and Linda Snell with some of the wonderful
books selected for the 2024 Christmas book donation. Care was taken to
source books locally as much as possible. The selected books are
age-appropriate, engaging, affirming and educational for children.
2024 Valiant Woman Award
Barbara Eggleston (right) was presented with the 2024 Valiant Woman Award by Jenny Armstrong
during the Friendship Celebration on May 10, 2024.
Rights Award 2024
Presented to Renee
Moe, CEO & President of the United Way of Dane County
The Human Rights Award was presented
to Renee Moe, CEO & President of the United Way of
Dane County (left) by Jenny Armstrong, President of Church Women
United, Madison on January 5, 2024 at Zion Baptist Church,
Madison, WI.
CWU Church
Women United-Madison: History Volume II
This book tells the story of Church Women United - Madison
through the lives of some of its members. Ranging in age from 70 to 101,
these dedicated women tell you about themselves through Autobiographies
and tell you of their History with Church Women United - Madison. As
these women continue their work through Church Women United - Madison,
they tell about exercising the power of ECUMENICALISM…..Unity in the
face of diversity…race, color, creed, sexual orientation, national
origin, denomination, economic status, past life experiences, current
life experiences,…as they work together to make this a better world for
each of us and all of us.
CWU Church
Women United-Madison: History Volume II is available on Amazon Kindle.
Meet the Authors of CWU Church Women
United-Madison: History Volume II